Why hire a Life Coach?

  • Transformation.

    You’re here because you seek growth and maybe improvement in one or more aspects of your life. You have a vision of a future you that is healthier and happier in mind, body, or soul. You’ll get there and you’ll learn to embrace and love every bit of yourself during the process.

  • Happiness.

    Imagine your life with more laughter, joy and lightness. You can navigate your life in its’ entirety and smile through the struggles. Happiness is not a single person, thing, or destination. Happiness is a constant emotion that you can train your mind to have.

  • Fulfillment.

    You will find new ways to reach success and crush your goals. Most importantly you’ll do this while finding your true purpose and passion. A feeling of true fulfillment not just empty, meaningless accomplishments. Get more out of your life; you only have one.

Therapy vs Coaching

To keep it as simple as possible therapy is used when you need to uncover and treat past trauma, diagnose and work to resolve mental health issues. As a life coach I help you focus more on the present and future. Identifying the obstacles that are holding you back from moving forward in life and accomplishing more. Through deep conversations and goal-setting we are able to break down barriers in your life and get you to the next level in your relationships, health, career, and of course your mindset.

You Have Options

Many of us benefit from having both a therapist and a life coach. I will always recommend what is best for you as an individual. Having a therapist and a life coach simultaneously can be one of the greatest advantages for your life and goals. If I identify that I can’t help you as a life coach I will let you know of other options or even other life coaches that may be a better fit for your goals or personality. My goal is always to help you take the path that is best for you.

Life Coaching; improving lives one hour at a time